
The PM4130 EasyPulse POC3 is the perfect product for patients that demand quality and reliability. Precision Medicals EasyPulse POC3 is easy to use and features simple push-button operation. This allows patients to press one button to start their POC on the prescribed flow setting in one simple push.

  • Innovative VPSA technology with CMV Only Precision Medical POCs use Vacuum Pressure Swing Adsorption technology ensuring each sieve bed is perfectly regenerated every cycle. This results in clean sieve beds producing high oxygen purity for even longer.

  • Precision Medical is based out of Pennsylvania, the EasyPulse POC3 is proudly made in the USA.

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Features of Precision Medical EasyPulse POC3:

  • Easy to use Push Button operation
  • With controlled minute volume (CMV), you receive therapeutic oxygen in the first third of the inspiratory phase for maximum efficiency, regardless of breath rate. CMV technology ensures battery duration stays consistent on all flow settings.
  • Precision Medical’s EasyPulse POC3 has a proven battery life. The internal and external batteries combine to provide 5.5 – 11 hours of battery life! This duration allows patients to be mobile with the confidence that their oxygen needs will be met, at home as well as when traveling. The Carrying Case will easily hold at least one additional battery, keeping you on the go for even longer! The DC cord allows you to plug into a vehicle while you are traveling, extending the battery duration even further.

EasyPulse POC3 Includes:

  • External Battery
  • BackPack
  • DC and AC Cords
  • 5 Nasal Cannulas
  • Carry Case
  • Filter
  • User Manual